entertainment & gaming

First of all I love video games and yes I really love video games, and the games industry.
In my opinion there are are almost no industries/markets where you have this kind of harmony – yes sometimes battles 😉 – between arts, technology, and economy.

Hot facts

  • Founded the games technology company “Artificial Technology”, which developed and marketed the software technology “EKI One” for artificial (and emotional) intelligence for computer and video games;
  • Founded the IGDA chapter in Munich with Hendrik Lesser (Remote Control Productions) and Christian Kluckner (Chimera Entertainment);
  • Won the Multimedia Start-Up Award in 2011 by the German Ministry of Economy and Science;
  • Wrote my master thesis for my MBA about “Virtual Marketing Mix: Marketing applied for Virtual Goods in F2P Games” (you can download it here);

Please get in touch with me here.